Friday, October 29, 2010

Tonight's Culinary Disaster

Tonight I found out why a recipe might direct you to flip something over halfway through cooking. This is a piece of roasted tofu. One side is rather edible; the other has the texture and taste of a tree trunk, due to the cook's negligence. I was trying out this roasted tofu recipe, but I guess I got carried away with all of the steps involved in creating the true culinary monstrosity of the evening: dandelion greens.

I do not know what possessed me to make them. They sounded exotic, but they were incredibly, inedibly bitter - no amount of wine, soy sauce, vegetable stock, garlic, and ginger (the ingredients in a recipe from How to Cook Everything - I think I shall write How To Cook Nothing) could mask their unpleasant taste.

(Of course, now that I think about it, the unpleasant taste could have been due to some unknown cooking error?)

So, you're probably wondering now, when are you going to be lucky enough to be invited over for dinner?

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